Fundraising Event Services

Online Fundraising

Our ability to deliver professional content, bring together multiple locations, guests and fundraising platforms is second ot none. We are a visual media company specializing in live streaming and editing and are the perfect partner to deliver your critical message. 

Easily expand your reach

There are a wide range of platforms for sharing your content and even more platforms for receiving contributions. We are designed to work within your structure, building a production, graphics, titles and camera/audio services that maximize your opportunities for raising funds.  



Now you can now combine entertainment anywhere in the world at the simple push of a button. Without an online presence, an extraordinary opportunity for fundraising is lost. 

Access donors previously unreachable

Your audience is not limited to the people who attend a function. Now your reach is unlimited – without geographic limits. 



While online fundraising is more essential than ever in the sense that in-person functions are severely limited, your ability to reach out, conduct fundraising, deliver messages, perform auctions and sell merchandise is now at your fingertips!


Creative Fundraising!

As a production shop, we cater to the specific needs of our clients. We are not cookie cutter, boilerplate, one-size fits all. We are your provider and we do it your way!



So think about your audience – consider live hosts, submitted videos, talent shows, silent auctions, votes, surveys, interviews, QR codes, live pay links, and more. This is your event – let us help you make it AWESOME!

What can we do for you?